weird dreams

A few little things I made for you (and myself, too).

These are a few little demos I've worked on over the last year or so. All of these are small, self-contained and run in the browser (using HTML5, CSS and Coffee-/JavaScript).

If you want to know more, use View Source or visit this little thing on GitHub.


A dot-grouping line-drawing thing based on Vi Hart's video "Connecting Dots".

The code is kind of very weird, but maybe there's a more general pattern between those tiny things?

Go, draw some dots!. (Watch the video first video to get an idea for what might be interesting.)


A three-dimensial version of pixl, currently without the collaborative features, but some version of that is planned. (Either by working in the same world or by sharing the code for worlds.)

I could have use voxel.js or three.js for this, but didn't as I wanted to understand WebGL/OpenGL better. I sort-of succeeded, but this is still very much a prototype.

It's live at and the source is on GitHub. But to really have some fun with it you'll want to use it's api which is availlable as the trixl object on the page.

Start by running and looking at the source for it.


A collaborative, in-browser, programmable canvas composed of pixls.

See it live at The source is on GitHub.

As with trixl, this has been created for codegirls to be able to try out javascript in an interactive environment.


An interactive formula editor, with a simple syntax that is as close to what you would write on paper as is feasible to implement within a few regexes and in less than 6 hours total.

I rather like that you can explore math things quickly. For example you can start out with sin(x) and then decide that it doesn't look all that interesting and change it to sin(x) + 0.1x and be happy that it looks a bit funny.

A few other formula's that you might want to try (click to view them):

Go, try it! (And tell me what you think.)


Procedurally generated worlds fascinate me. I've been dabbling with them for quite some time and this is the farthest I've gone with them so far.

This demo is inspired by Introversion's Subversion. It uses the techniques layed out in Parish' and Müller's Procedural Modelling of Cities, but doesn't implement all of it. Most notably it is missing different pattern algorithms.

Go, try it!

shady business

Thomas Was Alone.

The shading in the above mentioned game was one of the things that I love about it. There are a lot of things to love about it, but I wanted to experiment with the shadows. (I'm not done yet.)

So I built a little demo with cubie things (and a ball) falling down and casting shades around. You may wish to control the shadow with your mouse or other pointing device.

Go, try it!


As with the shady business, this little thing was inspired by a game. That game is Osmos. It is quite beautiful and the growing mechanic fascinated me. So I built one for the Web.



The most soothing thing ever.

Sleep well.