tofu frikaseé
- 3 small white onions
- stalks of fennel root
- 1 stalk of celery
- 1 small can of 3rd grade champignons
- 2 blocks of tofu (400g)
- 2 small bayleafs
- 5 juniper berries (kernels?)
- 1⁄2 tsp bohnenkraut
- 1 tsp thyme
- 5 tsp capers
- 1 can coconut milk (400g)
- 3 tbsp soy meal (could be replaced with starch or flour)
- 750g frozen peas (maybe less depending on how it looks)
- 2 cups rice
- 4 cups water
- 1 tsp salt
uh, that is the recipe, and i seem to not be finishing articles, so this gets posted as is now. (which is already 2 months later.)